Sharing how we created a Tagged (clone) Dating App, in just 3 Days.

Vinod Kumar C
3 min readJan 3, 2021

Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Masai School to giving us the opportunity to learn and grow under it.
we started our journey with Masai School from the 1st Dec 2020, remotely.
At the end of 5 weeks we cloned a dating app called Tagged. The team assigned for me is a most enthusiastic team, so I got lot of motivation and energy to make this app much faster.


The app Tagged_Clone is a online dating app. Where, one who can chat, meet with random peoples who are online, can become popular by streaming in the app, can search the peoples based on their gender, ethnicity, location, and based on their past and current relationship status.


Experience and challenges faced

It’s completely a healthy and challenging experience with the team I got,
the initial challenges we faced are, who will be the team lead, who will work on front-end and back-end of application. Finally we came to a conclusion that we will divide the project into two parts, i.e,

1. Template, and event handling,
2. Content inside the template and UI.

Template will be designing by my self(Vinod Kumar C), and the inside contents will be designed by the other 2 team mates.

Where template, consists of bottom navigations for each and every layout or fragments, event handlings for passing data through various activities, and left navigation drawer for the both profile settings and many more exciting features.

The content, consist of placing the user pics and their data inside the fragment or layouts in proper way, in which the same data can be viewed by various peoples with their different screen sized android phones.
UI consists of giving great experience to the users, with the color combinations and the animations in it.


The Tagged clone app, Tagged_Clone, the main goal is to create the intensively creative UI and basic functionalities of Tagged which is one of the most popular dating app which established in October 2004, in San Francisco.
It provides the most exciting features for the users where they can meet the interested peoples based on their profile and taste across the globe.

Platform Used for Communication

We used Github for creating issues, and assigned the task for an individual and created milestones.

Source Code

source code

The Team

  1. Vinod Kumar C.
  2. Abdul Mujeeb Khan.
  3. Sainath Reddy.

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